2. In the case studies, why did the kids start particular bussiness? They made their bussinessess because they wanted to have fun while working.
3. What are the important things you should consider when you plan to start a bussiness? I think I should consider the expense when I start because if you do not have much money to spend then you can not really start. You can not even advertise if you do not have to to start out with.
4. What are some risks that kids faced running their bussinesses? One risk is fraud. They could copy a bussiness idea and get caught and lose the bussiness.
5. What are some of the productive resources needed to run the various bussinesses? There are advertisement in newspapers and going around telling people about the bussiness. There can also be people working for you and they can have people they know and tell more and more people. They can also can have flyers and bussiness cards.
6.What is a profit? A profit is what you have left after you subtract your expense from the income.
7. What happens when an entrepeneur does not make a profit? When an entrepeneur does make money they will either go out of bussiness or lower pricesto make people come or, he or she can make prices higher so when people by they could still make a profit.